
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bank Stocks are Like Rental Properties

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

Owning rental property is generally viewed as a terrific investment. When executed properly, you collect cash while someone else pays down your mortgage, allowing you to build equity. All while you sleep (until that 3 a.m. call to fix the toilet). If fixing toilets is not your thing, consider bank stocks instead.

Read on: Bank Stocks are Like Rental Properties

Topic: Strategies


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Choose the Best, Do the Worst?

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

“Should I just invest my entire portfolio in the S&P 500 Index? It’s done so well and represents the best economy in the world.” But is it always a good choice?

Read on: Choose the Best, Do the Worst?

Topic: Strategies


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Economists are Usually Wrong

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

Economists are increasingly calling for a recession. Is this reason to worry? Should we run for the hills? Do economists know what they are talking about?

Read on: Economists are Usually Wrong

Topic: Strategies


Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Family Bank 2019

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

Many wealthy families are increasingly looking to family members to help finance a home or new business venture. Going into business with family certainly can be tricky but if you have a good relationship with a wealthy family member, such loans may make sense.

Read on: The Family Bank 2019

Topic: Strategies


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Don’t Let The Inverted Yield Curve Invert Your Investment Plan

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

Recent headlines about the “Yield Curve Inversion” might make you panic. Before you panic, find out what an Inverted Yield Curve is and what it means.

Read on: Don’t Let The Inverted Yield Curve Invert Your Investment Plan

Topic: Strategies


Monday, May 06, 2019

Berkshire Meeting Notes

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

Markets change. Politics change. But each year, Warren Buffett and Vice Chairman Charlie Munger stay on message and remind us to tune out the considerable static, do our homework, and act with conviction when the odds are in our favor.

Read on: Berkshire Meeting Notes

Topic: Strategies


Monday, February 25, 2019

“Steve’s Notes” on Buffett’s 2018 Letter to Shareholders

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

It was another good one. Clear, concise, folksy, patriotic, and included a dig on the financial services industry. Classic Buffett.  Each year, Mr. Buffett reminds us and inspires us to keep it simple and stay the course.

Read on: “Steve’s Notes” on Buffett’s 2018 Letter to Shareholders

Topic: Strategies


Friday, February 01, 2019

Do Good. Own Real Estate. And Save Taxes? A Primer on Opportunity Funds.

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

When news began circulating about a legal way to both invest in real estate AND substantially reduce long-term capital gains taxes, we were all ears. Here’s what we learned.

Read on: Do Good. Own Real Estate. And Save Taxes? A Primer on Opportunity Funds.

Topic: Strategies


Look Out for Outlooks 2019 Edition

by Steve Haberstroh, Partner

It’s very difficult to successfully predict the future. Whether your expertise is in elections, the weather, or financial markets, if your profession requires you to make predictions, then your profession requires you to be wrong most of the time.

Read on: Look Out for Outlooks 2019 Edition

Topic: The Market


Friday, January 25, 2019

2018 Market Review

by The CastleKeep Team

2018 reminded investors that equity markets are unpredictable and volatile. As they should be. Otherwise, why should we expect 8-10% returns per year over the long run?

Read on: 2018 Market Review

Topic: The Market


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